Excellence With Value

Author: Reagan

Ways to Be a Better Co-Worker

Always be on time to show you respect other people’s time and Say a cheery “Hello!” in the morning.Do you get into the office, eyes down, shoulders slumped, and immediately start work? If so, you’re likely to find that co-workers ignore you (at best) or avoid you (at worst). Get into the habit of smiling and greeting everyone as you arrive in the morning or begin your shift. It’s amazing how fast this little courtesy can create chilly workplace relations

 Learn the art of small talk. Ask your co-workers about their interests – their favorite music, films, books, hobbies. Showing a genuine interest in them will make them feel comfortable around you. Talk about your life outside the office when it’s appropriate. This will remind the people you work with that you’re a person first, not just an employee or employer. Express your good ideas in a way that makes it clear that they are not the only good ideas, and that others may have equally good insights to add.

Avoid gossip. You don’t want anyone talking about you behind your back, so return the favor. When a co-worker comes to you bearing some gossip about an office romance or someone’s impending firing, respond with, “Really?” Then change the subject or get back to work. If you don’t respond, the gossiper will move on – and you’ll retain the trust and respect of your co-workers.

When dealing with a difficult co-worker, pretend your children are watching.This simple visualization technique will help you to keep a cool head. After all, you’ve taught your children to have good manners. With them “watching,” it will be difficult to stop to the level of your infuriating co-worker

Spread your good cheer. it might be a card for a co-worker – maybe a thank-you note for helping you out the week before, or a light, humorous card for a co-worker who seems to be a bit down. Always compliment your co-workers on their achievements – personal or professional. Too often, we focus on what people are doing wrong. Ask what they think. People love to be asked their opinion, so go out of your way to ask, “What do you think is missing from this report?” or “How do you think I should handle this situation with X?” Then give the advice-giver a sincere thank you, even if the ideas are less than helpful.

Return calls and e-mails promptly. To win friends at work, a good place to start is good office etiquette. There’s nothing more frustrating to busy people than to have their e-mails and phone messages ignored. Your silence doesn’t just make their job harder to do; it also conveys an unpleasant message to them: you’re unimportant to me.

 Here’s one for the boss: always work at least as hard as anyone working with or for you. Make it clear that you would never ask anyone to do a level of work you wouldn’t be willing to take on yourself.


Appreciation for the completion of St mary’s hospital Isigiro

It was 4th November 2019 when the company officially began the project with the anticipated goal of completion on 30th June 2020  has focused mainly on improved hygienic situation and building infrastructure face-lifting which includes construction of a private wing, single flush cistern toilets, placenta pit, ash pit,incinerator,renovation of laboratory and VCT .A Site engineer and a foreman was sent to site in Tanzania, full of the skills,experience, strength, energy and courage  for the project that gave the company an assurance for the quality works.

Interior view of renovated laboratory at St Mary’s hospital Isingiro

Being a foreign country, workers who could only speak the national language of Swahili fluently, changes of food stuffs and other challenges were got at the start but still our employees didn’t get their eyes off the  goal of the project. Early this year Covid 19 pandemic was the major challenge causing national borders to be closed, fears among people, high transport fares and others but still they stood firm and beat up all odds while looking at quality and time spent on the project.

On 30th June 2020 our project was at a completion, handed over on the 10th June 2020.we would like to appreciate our entire site and office staffs who directly and indirectly contributed to the project completion. Much appreciation to the hospital management for the humble corporation and last but not least to our dear  client and donor thank you for entrusting Rostwa Engineers with your work .

As our motto says EXCELLENT IS NEVER ENOUGH we will always strive to be better and better. 

Keep Staying safe


4 ways to increase teamwork in construction projects

Team work is one of the most vital issue needed at work to attain a common goal and objectives. Simply bringing different people together can’t make a good team but to have a smooth cooperation and collaboration in a construction project, these following tips and techniques can help you:

 Shared goals and vision; The first step to be taken is to define the goals and vision of the construction project then communicates to all members. Shared vision is the key to motive and inspire team members. A good vision needs to create the sense of common purpose and ownership for every individual in the project People need to understand what they are working towards and how they contribute to the common objectives . A good goal should be SMART: Specific, Measurable Achievable Realistic and Time-bound  

Roles and Responsibilities; in a construction project, there are many different groups such as architects, designers, engineers, owners, investors, contractors, subcontractors. These work groups must have close connection with each other to meet the deadline and accomplish the overall goals of the project. There should be assignment of roles and responsibilities for each team member. To have the best results, the leaders should understand the strengths and weaknesses of each individual to match the work with their competencies and without duplicating their team members’ efforts.

Conflict resolution; when people work together, conflict is unavoidable. It often stems from different points of view, misunderstandings and interpersonal problems. With the diversity workforce in construction industry, managers and supervisors need to keep an eye on every employee to recognize and handle conflicts immediately. Such skills as active listening, communication, negotiation, problem solving and decision making are needed for all leaders to effectively resolve potential conflict. Never let small problems become big issues, which easily lead you to be out of control. 

Building trust: People perform their best when they feel engaged, trusted and respected enough. You can create an environment of trust by increasing and encouraging feedback from all participants and tracking day-to-day work activities to timely adjust.  As a leader, you should show your openness and loyalty to your employees first. When your employees from different professions know each other well, they will cooperate more effectively.  


Top 5 ways to improve employees productivity at site

Employee productivity is a vital issue at work which most companies aim at attaining at the best. High productivity will trigger the need for your employees to generate a certain level of output to keep the profits flowing. Improving employees’ productivity begins at the managerial level and good manager will not assert himself/herself as a regulator at work but rather serve as a mentor. Here are some simple top 5 tips you can use to improve employee productivity.

  1. . Make sure your employees wear Personal Protective Equipment
    While workers should never be careless, it is important especially for those who work in the construction business to wear Personal Protective Equipment at all times. Not only does this protect a person from injury, it also makes production faster as there is no need to be too delicate with each job done. Also make sure to provide you employees with the right equipment. More modern or electrical tools might help prevent injuries and longer working hours
  2. Make sure tasks are clearly delegated
    sometimes; a task is left undone because people are waiting for each other on who will do it. Don’t make it a voluntary thing. Make sure each task is clearly assigned to particular workers so that nothing gets left behind.
  3. Don’t assign too many tasks to one person
    Workers should have their own specific task. A carpenter focuses on the carpentry work. Architects and engineers shouldn’t be expected to hammer down pieces of wood and nails. Plumbers are assigned to install pipes and electricians are tasked to take care of all wirings. If a worker is assigned tasks that are not his expertise, work gets slower and the job becomes inferior.
  4.  Set target dates and goals.
    Everybody should know about target dates. From day 1, your workers should already know what is expected from them. There should be a daily, weekly and/or monthly goal
  5. Keep your employees motivated
    It could be a simple pep talk before each work day or you could give a hardworking construction worker a pat on the back every once in a while—there are so many different ways to motivate employees and the best way to keep productivity up is by making sure each one of your workers are determined and happy to their work.

What next after the Lockdown?

After a long period of lock down due to COVID.19 pandemic, we have been fully operational but working from home.

The good news is that we are back in the office, maintaining the same working hours Monday to Friday 8:00 am -5:00 pm. Both sites and office are fully operating and following the current standard guidelines for safety in the pandemic.

We thank our clients and partners for bearing with the current situation and believe we will deliver more than the expectation.





On every 27th April, we add a year and celebrate an anniversary. This year it’s totally different, with the current situation of the lockdown due to COVID 19, we had no option but to send messages to each other on different platforms as a way of congratulating ourselves making 11 years in business.

Work on different sites are ongoing amidst the current situation, we believe in delivering the best to our clients and always go an extra mile to fulfil our values as accompany.

We thank all our clients and partners for entrusting us with business and we promise to deliver more than the expected. Special appreciation to our staffs for the extra efforts and teamwork


Stay home stay safe