Tag: construction company in Uganda

Self evaluation at a work place.

As the year comes to an end, employees needs to have a self evaluation in order to better in the different tasks in which they perform. Periodic evaluation is a chance for employees to review the recent past and discuss future expectations. An evaluation also serves as an opportunity to set goals as individuals and a team. we’ve created a sample self-assessment to guide you as you create your own.

Strengths: Clearly point out your strength that you feel is your strong point at work. Their is need to also get better ways to use your strength in order to meet your work goals.

Weaknesses: Every one has weaknesses and their is need to clearly list them especially when it affects your work. Every employee has to find away to work on their weaknesses since it always sabotages work.

Core values: Have a list of your values, beliefs and check if all you did through out the evaluation time period is in line with them, if not their is still a chance to align your self with them again.

Accomplishments: Their is need to look at your accomplishments and be proud of them, this is a source of motivation to strive better. No matter how the evaluation period was their was a point where you strived this means you can even strive the more.

Goals: During self evaluation at work their is still need to look at the goals set during that period and check if you aligned with them, their is also need to set more goals/targets higher than the ones set hence hard work.

Feed back: Feed back from superiors at work is also an important element during self evaluation, it gives you a genuine report about your performance and areas of Improvement.

Note: Keeping things simple and using short, declarative bullet points are key to writing an effective self-assessment. While the exact nature of your self-assessment might depend on your position and job description, this basic model can help guide you in writing a self-evaluation.


What you say to your colleagues at work speaks volumes about you and the values you stand for. The phases you say will either make them feel comfortable or uncomfortable when working with you. Here are some captivating phrases that can help you stir your team members towards the organization’s cardinal objectives.

Many thanks: The importance of making your team members feel appreciated are highly powerful motivators. A great sense of belonging can even have a greater impact on your colleagues’ morale and engagement than financial incentives. You should make it a point of call to say “Thank you” to your team mates regularly.

Feel free to come to my office anytime: If your colleagues know they have unfettered access to their team member, they’ll have a greater sense of belonging, they will feel more confident taking on challenges and demonstrating initiative, since they have guaranteed guidance from their workmates.

I’ll look into that and give you an update :Rather than shut them down when they ask you for something at an important moment, you can use this phase to buy yourself more time to resolve their query. Also, it’s important to mean it and follow through with it when you say it.

You can ask me any question yet another statement that throws open your doors and a sense of belonging among colleagues. This motivates your colleagues to commit to work, knowing they have all the resources and support they need to succeed.

Can you give me your opinion on this?  In many instances, you can gain valuable insights from your colleague’s inputs. It’s crucial for you to show your appreciation for their inputs, even though it might make you appear less-knowledgeable. With this statement, you can widen your intellect while also boosting your team mates’ sense of belonging.

There’s good news and also bad news there always comes a time when you have to deliver unpleasant news to your colleagues, and it’s always good to soften the blow by pointing to the brighter side of things. With this phrase, you don’t need to fear telling the truth to your employees but can phrase it like “Here is the situation on ground and what it means for you”

Things You Can Do to Avoid Getting Bored at Work

Performing the same tasks over a long period of time can cause boredom at work, this literally doesn’t mean that one is tired of work but according to research boredom creeps into almost every workplace, even when employees enjoy flexible work. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to help your team members stay excited about their jobs, whether they’re in the office or working from home.

Laboratory block at Mater Ecclesie Nurses and Midwifery School Luweero.

Share the load. Make sure you’re spreading the boring tasks evenly across your team – so it’s fair and remember, just because someone doesn’t moan about a task, doesn’t mean they enjoy it some employees will prefer to grin and bear the boredom, than look negative.

Give them more responsibility. In many cases, boredom essentially comes down to lack of a challenge; if your employee is bored then you’re probably not getting the most out of them. Set more difficult challenges, increase their target, offer them different tasks, jobs and even new projects. Note keep employees in the loop to make sure you’re not overdoing it and putting too much on their shoulders.

Hand over of A classroom block at Tuto Junior School Busesa.

Talk.You need to tackle this, head on, if you suspect that someone in your team is bored, just ask them straight Are you bored? Are we not challenging you enough? What can we do to help you? Remember if you don’t ask, you’ll never know!

Involve your team.Get your team involved in some of the bigger-picture decisions for your business. Communicate what’s happening and welcome their ideas and comments; this will give them something bigger to focus on and help them to feel valued and respected.

Complete classroom block at Tuto Junior School during handover.

Give them a break. Let your employees take regular breaks! Even if it’s just 5 minutes to go and grab themselves a glass of water or have a chat, it’ll give them a chance to refresh and get that second wind.



Happy 13th anniversary Rostwa Engineers Limited .The day began with a  chilly and cold morning, the birds were singing in the sky (seemed like congratulation messages)everything seemed calm, almost all colleagues were in jackets and coats to warm up the cold body but our hearts were warm because of the 13th anniversary. The journey has been long but with our partners, clients and a well built team of staffs we have managed to reach this mile stone. We send our sincere appreciation to all our staffs, clients and partners for standing with us all through.

Rostwa staffs after having an agricultural training.

During the 13th anniversary celebration we decided take a little different journey for the celebration. In order to fulfill our 3nd core values of Responsibility to the community in which we operate, we decided to have a corporate social responsibility activity of planting more than a hundred trees in one of our sites as a way of protecting the environment (St Clare Primary School Aber Oyam District).

Rostwa staffs during tree planting at St Clare Primary School Oyam District

We looked at our staffs and saw a need of having an agricultural training since our country has agriculture as its back bone. The training was not directed to the day to day company work but to help in subsidizing income and future retirement plans of staffs. The onsite time had a training on first aid, financial literacy, job awareness and company core values. Hence improvement of quality of life through our work.

Pictorial moment during an Agricultural training in Entebbe.

Rostwa SACCO was also launched on the 13th anniversary, this was to address developmental and emergency needs of life which always happens during work. The SACCO will help develop a pool to create resources and encourage savings to enable improved life through work as our 1st core value states.

Rostwa On site team during a training session in Luweero.

As the day drew to an end for team building purposes, dinner and drinks were served, the team interacted with fun. Indeed EXCELLENT NEVER IS ENOUGH we will continuously improve the quality of our work in order to meet more than what is expected from us.

The on site team having a meal during Rostwa day celebration.

Work Anxiety and stress.

Work stress happens to just everyone who has a job at some point in their lives. Some people deal with work stress well, while others don’t have a clue about how to deal with stress at work. While you can’t always control what happens at work, you can control how you react and deal with things that could lead to potentially stressful situations. Here are a few tips that can help you tackle work-related stress and anxiety.

Mother and child specialty Centre Bushulo Ethiopia

Be specific about what needs to be done: Don’t generalize your workload with “I have so much to do.” Be specific. For example, “I have to finish creating a project proposal” is a lot clearer, giving you a tangible idea of what exactly needs to be done.

Be realistic about what you can handle: Before you commit to a deadline calculate how much other work you have and how possible it is to add on another task or project. Not submitting something on time is more likely to stress you out than if you were to set lower expectations from the outset.

Ariel view of Mother and child specialty Centre Bushulo Ethiopia.

Practice time management: Once you know what needs to be done, make a to-do list and prioritize your work according to the working hours. Split up tasks into batches. If you feel the task at hand is overwhelming, complete it in batches.

Remind yourself why you took the job: There was a reason why you took your current job. Reflect on the things you like about your job and the benefits it’s brought to your life, this will keep you going amidst the storm.


A female porter/helper at a construction site .

Adoch Salama during the interview at Luwero site.

As she enters the interview room looking shy and not sure of what to expect. Her clothes looks a little dirty full of concrete and cement, she is calm and soft spoken, Adoch Salama is the only female porter/helper (unskilled builder), born in 1986 a mother of 4 children but also takes care of 2 nieces and 1 nephew. Wakes up at 6:00am does home chores like fetching water since the water source is far from home, cleans up home and showers before reporting at work/site.

Pictorial moment of the interviewer and Adoch Salama at the Luwero site.

Arrival time at site is always between 07:00hours to 07:15hours, at the gate she takes the COVID 19 SOPs seriously before registering in the attendance book. After registering then she changes to work clothes (which includes the safety wears).Between 07:15hours-07:30hours is site meeting which includes allocation of work to different people for the day. As a helper/porter she is allocated to masons (skilled builders) who expect her to mix the right ratio of materials to make concrete the quantity is mixed according to the speed of the masons and supplied to the people she was allocated to.

Breakfast is at 10:00hours for 30 minutes this comprises of porridge (she takes 1 and half cup of porridge) and lunch at 13:00hours to 14:00hours this comprises of beans and posho(she takes a plate of food).Work ends at 18:00hours, she cleans up tools, equipment used and remaining materials to the stores, then signs attendance to close the day before freshening up(includes getting off work clothes) then heads home at 18:30hours to meet the family after a long day.

Adoch Salama during work at the Luwero site.

When asked how she got to Know the vacancy, “it was through friends who told me about the vacancy and they were not sure of me taking it seriously” says Adoch.at work since she is the only female casual worker she faces challenges, “am always teased by the male workers and they joke a lot about me but I push on because I need the money to feed my family” says Adoch. Her future plan is to save money and buy a machine that processes ground nuts and simsim to peanut butter.


Mastering time management at work.

Staffs having a pictorial moment after an in-house training in August 2021 at head office.

We’ve all experienced the woes of time management at work. You wake up hopeful and optimistic not only will you meet all your deadlines. Then life happens. You leave late, you hit traffic, and you arrive at your desk already frustrated with the world. The good news is that there are ways to reclaim those seemingly elusive lost hours of the day. It’s all about personal time management manage your time instead of letting it manage you. Worry less Check out some tips to help manage time.

Figure out how you’re currently spending your time. If you’re going to optimize your personal time management, you first need to figure out where the time is going. Try diligently logging your time for a week by tracking your daily activities. This audit will help you: Determine how much you can feasibly accomplish in a day, identify time consuming activities and focus on what provides the greatest returns.Â

Prioritize wisely. As you organize your to-do list, prioritization is key for successful time management at work. Start by eliminating tasks that you shouldn’t be performing in the first place. Then identify the three or four most important tasks and do those first—that way, you make sure you finish the essentials. Evaluate your to-do list and make sure you organized it based on the importance of a task rather than its urgency.

Get organized. For effective time management, this tip needs to actually go on your to-do list. If you have piles of papers scattered all over your desk, finding the one you actually need will be like finding a needle. Little things make a big difference. Create a filing system for documents you only have to do it once, but you get the benefits forever.

Create a daily schedule—and stick with it. This step is absolutely crucial for learning how to manage time at work. Don’t even attempt to start your day without an organized to-do list. Before you leave work for the day, create a list of the most pressing tasks for the next day. This step allows you to get going as soon as you get to the office.

Avoid the urge to multitask. This is one of the simplest time management tips for work, yet it can be one of the hardest to follow. Focus on the task at hand and block out all distractions. It can be tempting to multitask, but you’re just shooting yourself in the foot when you attempt to do so. You lose time and decrease productivity when switching from one task to another.

Eliminate distractions. Social media, web browsing, co-workers, text messages, instant messaging the distractions at work can be limitless. A key to personal time management is being proactive about getting rid of them. Take baby steps. Identify your top two distractions and focus on conquering those for two weeks.


Team players and their qualities.

If you have chosen team members for a project in your organization,but still one feels their is need to make check list on the qualities of a good team player ,below are some of the few qualities of a good team player;

Communicates constructively Teams need people who speak up and express their thoughts and ideas clearly, directly, honestly, and with respect for others and for the work of the team. That’s what it means to communicate constructively. Such a team member does not shy away from making a point but makes it in the best way possible in a positive, confident, and respectful manner.

Works as a problem-solver Teams, of course, deal with problems. Sometimes, it appears, that’s the whole reason why a team is created to address problems. Good team players are willing to deal with all kinds of problems in a solutions-oriented manner. They’re problem-solvers, not problem-dwellers, problem-blamers, or problem-avoiders.

Functions as an active participant Good team player are active participants. They come prepared for team meetings, listen and speak up in discussions. They’re fully engaged in the work of the team. Team members who function as active participants take the initiative to help make things happen, and they volunteer for assignments

Shares openly and willingly Good team players shares information, knowledge, and experience. They take the initiative to keep other team members informed. Much of the communication within teams takes place informally. Beyond discussion at organized meetings, team members need to feel comfortable talking with one another and passing along important news and information day-to-day.

Exhibits flexibility Teams often deal with changing conditions and often create changes themselves. Good team players roll with the punches; they adapt to ever-changing situations. They don’t complain or get stressed out because something new is being tried or some new direction is being set. In addition, a flexible team member can consider different points of views and compromise when needed to offer.

Shows commitment to the team Strong team players care about their work, the team, and the team’s work. They show up every day with this care and commitment up front. They want to give a good effort, and they want other team members to do the same.

How to Bounce Back After Hitting Rock Bottom in Your Career.

Everything can go on well in your career but what about when you have a complete career breakdown? I mean a time when you hit rock bottom and seriously begin to question whether you should even continue in your chosen field? How do you recover from that?Here are some of the lessons from people who have been to the depths of failure and skyrocketed back to the top.

Don’t doubt your skills. There may be times when people question your ability and even ask that gut-punching question, whether you are in the right career We keep moving forward, opening up new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious… and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. We maintain this focus to help us concentrate, maintain balance and intention during a practice. In life, we create this focus, so not to get distracted by outside noise and block outside messages that harm our aspirations. Set an intention at the beginning of each day that you return to at day’s end. This gives you a measure of whether you stayed on track with what you set out to accomplish.

Avoid Negative Influences It can be easy to get dragged into a pity party when career setbacks occur. But it advised to avoid the negative influences that can really bring you down. Do not hang around with other disgruntled coworkers or complain with anyone else at work. That not only burns bridges, it gets you labeled as negative, an image that can haunt you if it becomes attached to your professional brand.

Find peace with yourself. At your greatest depth, you may find that the only person who still has your back is you. That’s why it’s always important to be your own best supporter and motivator and to remember to treat yourself kindly like a good friend.  Abraham Lincoln went through failed businesses and eight political defeats before he won the presidency. During his streak of defeats, he said about his situation: “I have lost every other friend on earth, I shall at least have one friend left, and that friend shall be down inside of me.

Focus on the Positive Focus on the good, and the things you can control, even though you’re having a setback, are there any aspects you’re grateful for? focus on what you can control, like a marketing plan to get your career moving forward. Start putting together the pieces. Find out what resources are available to you for little or no cost through community colleagues, career mates, professional associations, and the school, or schools, where you got your degree.

Understand what went wrong to move past the setback and grow from the experience it’s important to think objectively. Was the incident a reflection of your personal performance or a new company direction that was beyond your control? “If you can review the situation and identify your own strengths and weaknesses, you’ll be in a better position professionally and better able to handle a similar situation that might arise in the future,” If you have a setback, find out why it really happened and address it

Put the past behind you and move forward Things often happen for a reason, and an apparent setback can actually place you on a fresh and exciting career path. “You have to take things as they come and work to overcome challenges. Just make sure you learn from each experience and get better because of it. It’s also important to understand that reaching for success always involves a certain amount of risk. Realize that taking risks will result in occasional setbacks that can eventually be overcome through determined, repeated effort.

Integrity in a Workplace

Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is seeing and this begins with your individual choice to always act in accordance with strong moral principles, no matter the situation. exhibiting integrity in all your work interactions, you will get unwavering confidence and purpose and Others will become inspired by your way of interacting. Few ways to have integrity at work are noted below

Tell the Truth It’s easy to be transparent when the news is good. When the news is positive, you shout it from the rooftops but how do you behave when the news is bad? How do you tell your boss the difficult news like a critical meeting that did not go as planned? You have to tell the truth. Most bosses will forgive a few mistakes presented if you tell the unvarnished truth and this builds trust.

Give Credit Where It’s Due In certain companies, it is hard to get the credit you deserve. However, you will find that the more you credit others with helping you out, the more credit you will accrue in return. Giving credit where it’s due helps increase performance. “I could not have completed this report without Brian’s phenomenal assistance,” you can say. Better, thank Brian in an email and copy all who worked on the project.

Practice Open Communication Integrity in the workplace means handling the difficult conversation with grace and professionalism. When others report to you, they want candid communication about their job performance. If you have to review someone who is under performing, you owe it to them to let them know what he/she is doing wrong. Then, outline the steps they can take to improve. Work out a timeline for when you will both meet again to see if they have been able to turn things around.

Meet All Deadlines Integrity in the workplace starts with honoring deadlines. No one, least of all your boss, wants to hear the many reasons why you couldn’t honor a deadline. All she wants to hear is that the work is ready. You will prove yourself a person of integrity if you come through when you say you will.

Try Collaboration Instead of Competition Some workplaces promote competition between teams for profitable assignments, for new business pitches, and for developing new work methods. Strive to foster a friendly rivalry rather than a cutthroat one. You will portray yourself as a team player, and others will want to work with you. Let others know that you’re willing to share the direction you’re exploring and the information you’re uncovering in hopes of arriving at the best solution collaboratively.

Be Accountable for Your Actions Only cowards pass the buck. Those with integrity take responsibility, even when it means having to admit one’s shortcomings. “I think we did not study the competition deeply enough,” you can say to your team. “But I have an approach that will help us all get smarter, faster. “When you’re accountable each and every time, your team will rally behind you when needed.

 Don’t Abuse Your Position Continually show your employer that you are worthy of the trust she/he put in you to do your best work. Demonstrate your integrity by never abusing any of your freedom and autonomy with personal phone calls, Internet searches, or too much socializing with coworkers. In addition, when you always deliver on what you promise, others will trust that you are a woman or man of your word.

 Offer Respect to Every Colleague Set a great example by respecting your colleague’s boundaries both physical and emotional. If you notice that a colleague looks stressed or anxious, offer to help ease some of his/her workload. (If they reject your offer, respect that, too.) Furthermore, you show respect by giving others a chance to be heard and honoring their opinions and input.

Conclusion Integrity is a common denominator of a rewarding and successful career. By demonstrating integrity in the workplace, you’re able to find balance between respect and responsibility. Not only will your positive attributes lead you to have better relationships with coworkers, but you will find more fulfillment from your work because you know you’re performing in alignment with your best self. Become a model of integrity in your workplace. You will set the tone for appropriate behavior and overall professionalism across your organization. The rewards will come in the form of mutual respect and rapid advancement.