Pressure at work places and how to overcome it.

There is always a time at work place when different tasks need to be accomplished in a small period of time, this in most cases amounts to pressure. Their some few ideas to manage work pressure, if one Practices these tips and you will get better at dealing effectively with the pressures you encounter at work.

Stay focused on what needs to be accomplished. Even though the day may be stressful, keep your mind firmly focused on completing your regular responsibilities. Act and don’t react: As you stay calm, try to focus on the task, do not react to the source of pressure. Reacting to the source of pressure will only place more pressure on you.

Cool off: You can cool off by carrying out a simple breathing exercise. This is done by taking a sip breath through your mouth; it is called a sip breath because you will need to position your mouth as someone that wants to sip. Sip breath, hold for few seconds, then release through your nose. Repeat that for a number of times, it will help you cool off, clear your head and give you the ability to think.

Create A Prioritization Strategy Assess each task on your list. Is the task important to you? Will it relieve pressure or clear space in your day? Does it move you or your company forward? If not, ask whether you can delegate to someone else, or if that task can be postponed or eliminated. Give yourself permission to say no to incoming tasks that don’t meet your prioritization criteria so you can say yes to better things.

Forget The Future, Focus On The Present One way to be better under pressure is to pull back, slow down and stop thinking about the future deadline or work that needs to be done. Make a quick checklist of the three things you need to do next towards the deadline and do them. Courage is about taking the next hard step.

Break Your Tasks Down Any project or task can seem overwhelming when looked at as a whole. It’s critical to break it down into milestones or steps that can be easily attained. When you look at these individual steps, you can more readily meet goals and feel a sense of accomplishment. Seeing yourself completing the project also builds confidence in giving yourself a system to use.

Stop delaying something that must be done(procrastination), often because it is unpleasant or boring.  Pressure almost always comes because you have failed to prioritize and act. You likely procrastinated and now are paying the price. Procrastination is simply a bad habit . First, ask yourself what you are resisting. Then see if you can give up your resistance and simply act.

Change How You Think About Pressure The hardest part of working under pressure is coping with the perception of pressure. More often than not, we worry about some imaginary catastrophe that never happens, and that tends to render us powerless. Focus on one aspect of the task at a time, instead of looking at it in its totality.