Appreciation for the completion of St mary’s hospital Isigiro
It was 4th November 2019 when the company officially began the project with the anticipated goal of completion on 30th June 2020  has focused mainly on improved hygienic situation and building infrastructure face-lifting which includes construction of a private wing, single flush cistern toilets, placenta pit, ash pit,incinerator,renovation of laboratory and VCT .A Site engineer and a foreman was sent to site in Tanzania, full of the skills,experience, strength, energy and courage  for the project that gave the company an assurance for the quality works.

Being a foreign country, workers who could only speak the national language of Swahili fluently, changes of food stuffs and other challenges were got at the start but still our employees didn’t get their eyes off the goal of the project. Early this year Covid 19 pandemic was the major challenge causing national borders to be closed, fears among people, high transport fares and others but still they stood firm and beat up all odds while looking at quality and time spent on the project.
On 30th June 2020 our project was at a completion, handed over on the 10th June 2020.we would like to appreciate our entire site and office staffs who directly and indirectly contributed to the project completion. Much appreciation to the hospital management for the humble corporation and last but not least to our dear client and donor thank you for entrusting Rostwa Engineers with your work .
As our motto says EXCELLENT IS NEVER ENOUGH we will always strive to be better and better.
Keep Staying safe
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