Tips on financial management.

Have you ever wondered why you have no financial growth no matter how you try? There are some simple things you can do right now to improve your money situation.  If you stick to these five tips, your financial problems may start to diminish, and you can start reaping the rewards of lower debt, and saving for the future.

Flesh out Your Plan Your budget is key to success. It is the tool that will give you the most control of your financial future. Your budget is the key to achieving the rest of your plan. A financial plan is essential in helping you reach your financial goals. The plan should have multiple steps or milestones. A sample plan might include creating a monthly budget and spending plan, then getting out of debt.

Rostwa Engineers staff having A corporate social responsibility at St.Moses in Jinja(2018)

Make and Stick to a Budget A budget will also help you decide how to spend your money over the coming months and years. Without the plan, you might spend cash on things that seem important now, but don’t offer much in terms of enhancing your future. Many people get caught in this situation and get down on themselves for not reaching the financial milestones they want for their family and their own life.

Detail Your Financial Goals Take some time to write specific, long-term financial goals. All of these goals will affect how you plan your finances. For example, your goal to retire early is dependent on how well you save your money now Once you have written down your financial goals, prioritize them. This organizational process ensures that you are paying the most attention to the ones that are of the highest importance to you.

Pay off Debt Debt is a huge obstacle for many when it comes to reaching financial goals. That’s why you should make eliminating it a priority. Set up a plan to eliminate debts to help you pay it off more quickly. For example, while making minimum payments on all of your debt accounts, pay any extra money towards one debt at a time. After paying off one debt account, move all the money you were paying on the first debt to the next debt and continue from there, creating a debt-pay down .

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Advice Once you have grown your savings and need to begin investing to increase your wealth, speak to a financial planner/advisor to help make wise investment decisions. A good adviser will share the risks involved in each investment and help you find products that match your comfort level and investing return needs while helping you work toward your goals as quickly as possible. A financial planner can also help you with your budget.


A staff at Lyantonde site in western Uganda(2019)