Integrity in a Workplace
Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is seeing and this begins with your individual choice to always act in accordance with strong moral principles, no matter the situation. exhibiting integrity in all your work interactions, you will get unwavering confidence and purpose and Others will become inspired by your way of interacting. Few ways to have integrity at work are noted below
Tell the Truth It’s easy to be transparent when the news is good. When the news is positive, you shout it from the rooftops but how do you behave when the news is bad? How do you tell your boss the difficult news like a critical meeting that did not go as planned? You have to tell the truth. Most bosses will forgive a few mistakes presented if you tell the unvarnished truth and this builds trust.
Give Credit Where It’s Due In certain companies, it is hard to get the credit you deserve. However, you will find that the more you credit others with helping you out, the more credit you will accrue in return. Giving credit where it’s due helps increase performance. “I could not have completed this report without Brian’s phenomenal assistance,†you can say. Better, thank Brian in an email and copy all who worked on the project.
Practice Open Communication Integrity in the workplace means handling the difficult conversation with grace and professionalism. When others report to you, they want candid communication about their job performance. If you have to review someone who is under performing, you owe it to them to let them know what he/she is doing wrong. Then, outline the steps they can take to improve. Work out a timeline for when you will both meet again to see if they have been able to turn things around.
Meet All Deadlines Integrity in the workplace starts with honoring deadlines. No one, least of all your boss, wants to hear the many reasons why you couldn’t honor a deadline. All she wants to hear is that the work is ready. You will prove yourself a person of integrity if you come through when you say you will.
Try Collaboration Instead of Competition Some workplaces promote competition between teams for profitable assignments, for new business pitches, and for developing new work methods. Strive to foster a friendly rivalry rather than a cutthroat one. You will portray yourself as a team player, and others will want to work with you. Let others know that you’re willing to share the direction you’re exploring and the information you’re uncovering in hopes of arriving at the best solution collaboratively.
Be Accountable for Your Actions Only cowards pass the buck. Those with integrity take responsibility, even when it means having to admit one’s shortcomings. “I think we did not study the competition deeply enough,†you can say to your team. “But I have an approach that will help us all get smarter, faster. “When you’re accountable each and every time, your team will rally behind you when needed.
Don’t Abuse Your Position Continually show your employer that you are worthy of the trust she/he put in you to do your best work. Demonstrate your integrity by never abusing any of your freedom and autonomy with personal phone calls, Internet searches, or too much socializing with coworkers. In addition, when you always deliver on what you promise, others will trust that you are a woman or man of your word.
Offer Respect to Every Colleague Set a great example by respecting your colleague’s boundaries both physical and emotional. If you notice that a colleague looks stressed or anxious, offer to help ease some of his/her workload. (If they reject your offer, respect that, too.) Furthermore, you show respect by giving others a chance to be heard and honoring their opinions and input.
Conclusion Integrity is a common denominator of a rewarding and successful career. By demonstrating integrity in the workplace, you’re able to find balance between respect and responsibility. Not only will your positive attributes lead you to have better relationships with coworkers, but you will find more fulfillment from your work because you know you’re performing in alignment with your best self. Become a model of integrity in your workplace. You will set the tone for appropriate behavior and overall professionalism across your organization. The rewards will come in the form of mutual respect and rapid advancement.