Tag: construction company in Uganda

The festive season is back again.

2020 has been a difficult year, and most of us are looking forward to a well-earned rest over the Christmas break. However, the festive period can sometimes be a challenging time – especially if we are not able to see our friends or family as we usually would. Here are some tips to help you keep safe and fresh during the festive season.

Schedule some ‘me’ time the festive period can feel very busy, and demands can be put on us by others. Keep some time aside for yourself to catch up on your favorite shows, go for a walk, do something that will make you happy -you deserve it!

Look after your health the festive period can be a time for excess, but it’s important we still keep truck on our healthy eating and drinking, stick to good sleep habits, and exercise regularly. Regular exercise can help reduce the risk of getting the virus.

Keep yourself and others safe This year things will be different due Covid-19 restrictions, but they are so important to keep both you and your loved ones safe. Follow government guidelines and be assertive with anyone who asks you to break these – for their health and yours.

Ventilation One of the things you can do to reduce the impact of COVID-19 is to keep a couple of windows open and keep the house ventilated. Allowing the air to keep flowing around your house will reduce the risk of people catching COVID-19 if they are in the house mixing with people.

Social distancing Technically these rules can be scrapped over the Christmas period – but people who are worried about hugging vulnerable people should try and keep their distance anyway. Staying 2 meters apart from family and friends is a sensible way to reduce the risk. If you are concerned, wearing a mask would be another way to reduce any possible spread.

Washing your hands Is still an important tool to curb the virus. Especially if you’re going out before you meet others for Christmas, be sure to wash your hands regularly. This is even more important if you’re going to use public transport to get home.

Extra cleaning and don’t share items the guidance also recommends taking extra precautions such as cleaning surfaces and contact points like door handles over the Christmas period too. Ideally, Christmas dinner guests should be social distanced as much as. But if the table is small, experts say at least don’t share plates or cups.

At least reduce your contacts the best thing to do in the week before Christmas is to reduce your contacts with the outside world. That means cancelling visits to see family, friends, the supermarket and slashing the time you spend outside of the house. Even if you don’t catch corona-virus, there’s still a chance you could come into contact with a positive case and be told to isolate just before the holiday period starts – which would ruin any plans.



Pressure at work places and how to overcome it.

There is always a time at work place when different tasks need to be accomplished in a small period of time, this in most cases amounts to pressure. Their some few ideas to manage work pressure, if one Practices these tips and you will get better at dealing effectively with the pressures you encounter at work.

Stay focused on what needs to be accomplished. Even though the day may be stressful, keep your mind firmly focused on completing your regular responsibilities. Act and don’t react: As you stay calm, try to focus on the task, do not react to the source of pressure. Reacting to the source of pressure will only place more pressure on you.

Cool off: You can cool off by carrying out a simple breathing exercise. This is done by taking a sip breath through your mouth; it is called a sip breath because you will need to position your mouth as someone that wants to sip. Sip breath, hold for few seconds, then release through your nose. Repeat that for a number of times, it will help you cool off, clear your head and give you the ability to think.

Create A Prioritization Strategy Assess each task on your list. Is the task important to you? Will it relieve pressure or clear space in your day? Does it move you or your company forward? If not, ask whether you can delegate to someone else, or if that task can be postponed or eliminated. Give yourself permission to say no to incoming tasks that don’t meet your prioritization criteria so you can say yes to better things.

Forget The Future, Focus On The Present One way to be better under pressure is to pull back, slow down and stop thinking about the future deadline or work that needs to be done. Make a quick checklist of the three things you need to do next towards the deadline and do them. Courage is about taking the next hard step.

Break Your Tasks Down Any project or task can seem overwhelming when looked at as a whole. It’s critical to break it down into milestones or steps that can be easily attained. When you look at these individual steps, you can more readily meet goals and feel a sense of accomplishment. Seeing yourself completing the project also builds confidence in giving yourself a system to use.

Stop delaying something that must be done(procrastination), often because it is unpleasant or boring.  Pressure almost always comes because you have failed to prioritize and act. You likely procrastinated and now are paying the price. Procrastination is simply a bad habit . First, ask yourself what you are resisting. Then see if you can give up your resistance and simply act.

Change How You Think About Pressure The hardest part of working under pressure is coping with the perception of pressure. More often than not, we worry about some imaginary catastrophe that never happens, and that tends to render us powerless. Focus on one aspect of the task at a time, instead of looking at it in its totality.

Moody co-workers.

While you might bring positivity into the workplace, a few of your coworkers might not check their problems at the door. Dealing with the mood swings of coworkers can sometimes feel like another workload but you can’t let it affect your productivity. Acknowledging their moody tendencies is the first step to gaining back control and ensuring a positive work environment for not only yourself, but also for other coworkers. Luckily, there are some simple and effective adjustments you can make to your work day to make it significantly more pleasant.

Observe, don’t advise. To show your sensitivity, respond to a moody employee with a simple observation such as, “You seem down.” Then keep quiet and see if the individual wants to open up. That’s better than playing amateur shrink and dishing out unsolicited advice.

Remain neutral. Maintain a pleasant, professional demeanor even when you’re dealing with an irritable or downcast employee. Don’t allow gloominess to influence how you behave or assume you should mirror it to show you understand. Your consistent response to even the most inconsistent personalities will bring stability to the workplace.

Introduce change. Moody employees may welcome a change in scenery or a new challenge. Assign them to visit a field office, give a speech or take a seminar. By forcing them to break out of their safe, predictable routines, you might refresh them.

Control your expectations. You may get used to a worker’s shifting moods and grow to expect certain behaviors at certain times. That’s dangerous. If you anticipate someone will be moody on Monday mornings, for instance, you may look for evidence of such an attitude even when it’s not there.

Setting Clear Boundaries When someone at your job decides to take her personal problems out on you, it’s time to set clear boundaries in your work relationship. While you might listen to her complain about her life, you must make it clear that it’s not okay for her to act out. While you might empathize with her situation, be vocal about how her moodiness and actions make you feel and how they affect the morale of the office.

It’s Her, Not You. If you sense that an overly sensitive coworker is in a sour mood — and it shows in her attitude towards you — remember that it’s nothing personal. It’s her problem, not yours. The sooner you can forget about her moody attitude, the quicker you can get back to work.


Mistakes at work places and how to get over them.

Making mistakes at workplace is a very common thing. We all must have made blunders in the office at least once in our career but how we handle those mistakes and reduce its after effect is what matters the most. People do not make mistakes intentionally, but due to high work pressure, lack of information or decision taken in a hurry, mistakes are due to happen. While we cannot avoid the mistakes at workplace, but we can learn about how to handle these mistakes gracefully.

 Acknowledge your Mistake As soon as you realize that you have committed a mistake, acknowledge it. If the mistake is small, which can be rectified before people are affected, take the action immediately. While if the mistake is a serious one, immediately inform your boss about it. Never ignore the mistake and run away from it. Even if you do not admit, people will find out that the mistake has been committed by you. So, it is always better to admit it yourself and show a professional behavior.

Work on a plan to correct your mistake Mistakes cannot be ignored. Once you realize that you have made a mistake, immediately analyze the after effects of that mistake and what you can do to minimize or avoid those effects. Your boss will appreciate, if you acknowledge that you have made a mistake and give in plans how to rectify it. It is very important that your boss knows about the situation and the plan to rectify it, so that he can support.

Investigate on why made the mistake Before taking action to correct the mistake, think about what led you to make that mistake. Was it due to lack of information, data errors, technical problem, a gap in the process or may be just your wrong approach or attitude? It is important to understand the root cause of the problem so that you can firstly find a solution to rectify it, and then correct the root cause so that such mistake is not repeated in the future.

Move on Remember that, mistakes can happen with anyone and no one is perfect. Once the chapter about the mistake is over, just move on it. Do not keep that guilt in your mind. You made a mistake, apologized for it and corrected it, so the next step is to leave it behind and move ahead. If you carry the guilt or be afraid of the mistakes, you will not be able to work efficiently.

Ensure that the same mistake is not repeated in future Employees are appreciated if they learn from their mistakes and ensure that the same mistake is never repeated. After analyzing the root cause of the problem, take all the measures to correct the root cause, so that not only you, but others will also be prevented from making that mistake.

Ways to Make Yourself Better At Your Job

To make yourself better at your job, you shouldn’t just focus on delivering better reports or spending more time with your bosses. Being better at your job is a matter of self-development. The following are some of the first five ways to be better at your job;        

Be adaptable to change. Nothing is going to stay the same during the course of your work. With that said, there are always going to be change in your work environment. The way you work this year may not necessarily be the same with the way you work next year. It’s important that you maintain the quality of your work (and even improve it!) so that your boss will pay more attention to you.

Think differently. Go the extra mile and create productive things related to the construction industry. Volunteer to speak at your company’s events and even to represent your company when you’re invited. Don’t just conform to the traditional way of thinking–it’s okay to challenge preconceived notions once in a while

Prioritize and get the most important things done.You can easily be overwhelmed by your workload if you constantly face concerns and if you let these concerns easily pile up. For you to do the most important things, relate them to your job first. Ask yourself: will doing this ultimately make yourself better at your job? Will this make a difference? If yes, then, go for it. If no, it’s better that you delegate it and let someone else deal with the not-so-important matters.

Build–and consistently sustain–your network. Have you ever heard the saying that your income is the average income of the five people who you hang out the most? Make sure to connect, reach out and develop sustainable relationships with authorities in your field as you’re going to need them to help you work on your skills and knowledge.

Always keep updated with the current events in your industry. Innovation is one of the factors that can help in construction company. For you and your company to succeed, you need to have a significant competitive advantage that can help put your company at the top of the game. All the resources that you need are available online. For a better understanding, you can even attend seminars and trade shows that can be valuable in shaping your skills and knowledge.