Mistakes at work places and how to get over them.
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Making mistakes at workplace is a very common thing. We all must have made blunders in the office at least once in our career but how we handle those mistakes and reduce its after effect is what matters the most. People do not make mistakes intentionally, but due to high work pressure, lack of information or decision taken in a hurry, mistakes are due to happen. While we cannot avoid the mistakes at workplace, but we can learn about how to handle these mistakes gracefully.
 Acknowledge your Mistake As soon as you realize that you have committed a mistake, acknowledge it. If the mistake is small, which can be rectified before people are affected, take the action immediately. While if the mistake is a serious one, immediately inform your boss about it. Never ignore the mistake and run away from it. Even if you do not admit, people will find out that the mistake has been committed by you. So, it is always better to admit it yourself and show a professional behavior.
Work on a plan to correct your mistake Mistakes cannot be ignored. Once you realize that you have made a mistake, immediately analyze the after effects of that mistake and what you can do to minimize or avoid those effects. Your boss will appreciate, if you acknowledge that you have made a mistake and give in plans how to rectify it. It is very important that your boss knows about the situation and the plan to rectify it, so that he can support.
Investigate on why made the mistake Before taking action to correct the mistake, think about what led you to make that mistake. Was it due to lack of information, data errors, technical problem, a gap in the process or may be just your wrong approach or attitude? It is important to understand the root cause of the problem so that you can firstly find a solution to rectify it, and then correct the root cause so that such mistake is not repeated in the future.
Move on Remember that, mistakes can happen with anyone and no one is perfect. Once the chapter about the mistake is over, just move on it. Do not keep that guilt in your mind. You made a mistake, apologized for it and corrected it, so the next step is to leave it behind and move ahead. If you carry the guilt or be afraid of the mistakes, you will not be able to work efficiently.
Ensure that the same mistake is not repeated in future Employees are appreciated if they learn from their mistakes and ensure that the same mistake is never repeated. After analyzing the root cause of the problem, take all the measures to correct the root cause, so that not only you, but others will also be prevented from making that mistake.
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